By Love, we shall win.

Life has its twists and its turns.
Sometimes, it takes us up the hill
and many times, against our will.

Sometimes, it plays out and gives us burns.

I am talking about certain days when we would want to let out a smile, only to heave a deep sigh.

Days when we would want to fly to the farthest high.

Days when the tiny voice from within gives us the only encouragement - speaking of how success and failure have equal number of letter and that our result relies on where our energy is channeled.

"Don't give up; don't" we would hear ourself speak to ourself from the deepest part within.

I mean those times when we look helplessly at the millions of miles that separates us from eachother and we question our sanity if we are doing the right thing while thinking we are going crazy and that no one in the world would understand us and then we ask ourself again if those inner voices are worth relying upon?

But then let's look how far we have come in this journey.

 Have we failed yet?

Are we going to fail now?

As long as we are obedient and planned not to rehearse failure, then it is a ponter that we are still on course.

Let us trudge on and trust our inner voice the more until we win.

I am deeply convinced that, at the end, we shall win.


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