SEXUALY-EVER-AFTER (Caveat emptor)

She gently unbuttoned his shirt, rubbing his chest continuously. Her palm could feel his heartbeat. Femi stood unbelievably but in anticipation of the next event that will unfold.

Her mouth gently explored his and he calmly returned the kiss as she positioned his hands on her soft bottom.
She appeared to be in total control as she unzipped his trouser. They are now unclad after he has reciprocated her gesture with getting her bra and the ‘pink’ pant off.

Sade aims for his penis, stroking it till there is a sturdy erection.
Femi’s eyes became closed leaving his mouth excitingly gaping for air as Sade gave him a thorough blow job while he lay back flat on the bed.
He tried reaching for her breast but it appears far away from his grasp, so he resorted to rubbing her ear lobes.
Femi felt like a flying kite as she kept exploring his penis which has remained untouched by another since his birth.

It was Femi’s turn to return the oral stimulation of her genital part.

His tongue gently travels from one side of her clit to the other. He let out a warm breath which made her quiver. He became triumphantly ecstatic as she moaned- just like he had watched in the porn videos.

“Oh my God...I might die if you don’t start now... come inside of me...” she seems to be in another planet, letting out many words at a time with her eyes remain closed twisting her leg over His head with curled toes.

The time he has been waiting for has arrived! But then, he panicked more until her warmth enveloped his as she drew him closer.

A loud silence took over as Femi ejaculated three minutes after thrusting in her just seven times and there was peace everywhere while he breathes like a sprinter completing a race.

“Three minutes is not bad for a rookie,” she thought loudly to herself as her eyes pierced his letting out a smile.


As an undergraduate, the dream of becoming the best graduating student and a CEO of a world class computer firm has always been his drive of academic success.
He became the favourite of professors who enjoy his approach to resolving tough questions and assignments. Some put on a grimace in other not to give room for his questions which are mostly challenging and can send a feeble-footed tutor to a pit of infamy. They tagged it as “over sabi” (knowing too much).
Many referred to him as a school-library-church triangular nerd, but his brilliancy sure has no equal. He would take his time to take his colleagues on private tutorials after the general class and testimonies had shown that many gloomy brains has been revived with such help of his.

Although Femi was a centre of attraction to many, but humanly possible, he avoided all form of sexual immoralities even though he receives a lot of such temptations from myriad of pretty ladies who flock around him. Most of them just want to have a fling with the school’s most brilliant student, to some; it is to lure him for assistance during exams and other academic activities. Only a few have a heart for a serious relationship-into-marriage. Least on his mind was any woman as the only romantic relationships he kept were the one with his books.

It was on a Sunday afternoon. He had returned from church and was cleaning up his room when he received a knock on his door. It was Sade, his class mate.

“I was here earlier but met your absence” she had said, stepping into the room putting some books on his table while adjusting her short gown.

“You should know that church services starts in the morning and my absence is linked with that” he had replied, turning his back in a bid to find another position in the room.

“Ok... ok, please I need your assistance with my STAT 402 assignment. We are to submit it tomorrow by 9am.”

“And you are just coming now?”

“Err...“ She had stuttered, “I travelled home since Thursday and I came back this morning. Please help me”

While Femi worked out the seemingly tough sum, Sade was serious with her phone while lying back on Femi’s bed. The clicks from her phone’s keypad were distracting. He asked if she would like to see how he was solving it, but the earphones in her ear was receiving a high volume of a song from her phone which deafened her to his utterances. He turned back only to see her chuckling; he shook his head in pity.

“Silly lazy girl” he had said beneath his breath.

Several minutes later, he stood to tap her. He found himself stuck at a gaze on her underside. He couldn’t believe his eyes. He could see her pink pant clearly. At this point, several dirty thoughts ran across his mind. He tried rebuking the devil, but that part of him appeared to be weaker at the moment.
 Sade turned over only to find him behind her and gave a smile.

“So are we done?” she asked raising her eyebrow.

“Yes,” He said “and that is what I wanted to tell you.”

“Thank you very much, you are a darling.” She jumped up and gave him a tight hug and a warm peck on his cheek.

 Femi could hardly breath, his heart beat faster and he could feel an erection from down below.
“Oh my God” he thought and he sat straight on his bed in order to hide it from her while biding her goodbye.

Sade, like many other sensitive ladies, felt the impression of the hard rock on her tummy and she giggled about it on her way home.

A lot changed in his life ever since that day. He would visit her often requesting for her to return the visit.

Out of curiosity, he would browse to know what was really behind every woman’s panties. He would visit porn sites and read sex stories online and how to have sex.
He became engrossed in what he used to detest and his last visit to her house broke the jinx.


Sade opened his eyes to the sweetness in the forbidden fruit and he imagined how much of its sweetness he had missed in the time past. That marked the beginning of his greatest exploration.


©Akinsehinwa Damilola,  August 14, 2015.


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