Sometimes, the pages in our marriages/relationships remain blank because we couldn’t find the right words to fill them. We must learn to listen to that word coming out from within us in order to fill those blanks. It has saved many, but a lot still fails in that facet. _Start_ Akin stood, ignoring her totally while she wears a grimace about to burst out of full words from within her. An argument had ensued between both of them. “Say something; hold her; after all, you love her.” his inner voice said. “Why must it be me all the time? I must let her know I am the man here.” He vehemently replied his inner voice. “I feel like killing him. I don’t even know why I fell in love with this beast? He is not caring at all. He talks rude.” Said Bimpe , under her breathe. “Speak to him gently; two wrongs can never make a right...Look, he is getting angrier.” Her inner voice replied. “He thinks I am stupid. Why should I talk to him?” She fought back. The silence...