Sometimes, the pages in our marriages/relationships remain blank because we couldn’t find the right words to fill them. We must learn to listen to that word coming out from within us in order to fill those blanks. It has saved many, but a lot still fails in that facet.


Akin stood, ignoring her totally while she wears a grimace about to burst out of full words from within her. An argument had ensued between both of them.

“Say something; hold her; after all, you love her.” his inner voice said.

“Why must it be me all the time? I must let her know I am the man here.” He vehemently replied his inner voice.

“I feel like killing him. I don’t even know why I fell in love with this beast? He is not caring at all. He talks rude.” Said Bimpe , under her breathe.

“Speak to him gently; two wrongs can never make a right...Look, he is getting angrier.” Her inner voice replied.

“He thinks I am stupid. Why should I talk to him?” She fought back.

The silence between them was becoming so loud. Neither was ready to budge from their stands.

“Okay, I have had enough of this rubbish. I am leaving.”  She said, finally breaking the silence.

“You are so stupid!” His inner voice said, “So you are going to stand there while she leaves because of an issue that holds no water?”

“Okay. Good bye.” He replied. “Please don’t ever call my phone again.”

“Okay; okay; okay... this is the part where you have to hold back her hands and end this shit!” his inner voice said.

“Why should I go behind her every time even though she is at fault? No I won’t.” He resisted.

She turns back, picked up her bag and walked towards the door.

“So he meant those words? Is he not going to hold me back?” She thought within herself.

“Don’t go away. Tell him you are sorry and everything will be normal.” Her inner voice said.

She left her boyfriend’s house, slamming the door at his face in anger.
At home that evening, she rolled on the bed continuously while tears continued to flow from her eyes.

Back at Akin’s house:
“Send her a sorry message. Things will be back to normal.” His inner voice advised.

“Sorry message? What mistake did I do? It is high time she knew I am the man and if this relationship will head somewhere good, there must be respect.” he countered

After a few minutes, while wearing a fury look still, he picked up his phone to type a message. But again, he cleared it off and threw away his phone. He fell back on the bed putting the pillow over his head.

Back at Bimpe’s house:
“Saying sorry would have saved you all this pains.” Her inner voice advised.

“I am not his slave. Even if he wants to correct me, he should have said it calmly and gently.” She replied.

“Hmmm... I hope you know that serious men are limited this days ooo; if you lose him...” her inner voice said.

“Let him go if he likes. I have my job and several other suitors will surface.” She replied cleaning her nose and wiping the tears off her face as she calmly lay on a part of the bed.

They both checked their phones endlessly waiting for the first person to send a ‘sorry’ message, while ignoring their inner voice screaming “hey, can you please listen to me, you are making a mess out of nothing.”


©Akinsehinwa Damilola. August 21st, 2015.


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