Supreme Comradium (dedicated poem)

Chefesis to God;
the celestial voice of the comradic chief
in his flambouyant agbada,
galvanising and connecting
to the supreme deity with protection
from woged chefesis at arandua
blessing congo's, opekesis, opakasis,
holy ajara, center of center,
firing in the father's languaja
the one spoken and understood
by the gods and karid soul
that today goes mornto wenty gone,
may they continue to remain karid
till thy kingdom come.
And with a chorus of response
from all entities alika
with a bent koko,
in a kokastik ecowaringa voicinga
like that of LSF Jesus christ
when he fired
eli eli eli lama saba kitani,
mayan Ologuro was their tongue
acknowledging their blessings
in hope for a kokastic gyration
and any other thing komradicaly gbaski.

*Note- most words above are in Komradic tongue which could only be decipher by karid souls and other heavenly bodies😊

-Akinsehinwa Damilola.


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