Our World Today

 My heart is yet on the globe,
The erroneous proceedings from Adam;
Which led to successive diversity,
Further deepening till this morning,
The bleeding sore of disintegration,
Bequeathed to the result of today.

Seven continents they become,
Originally one as trinity;
Like that in the upper room,
Distorted accent and language,
Further sinking beneath unity;
To the state at hand today

There was a mind of possibilities
With formidable determination
That benefitted from the division
These brains could have been harnessed
To revivify our world,
But for the knave that left us here today

I crave mending glue,
Joining the Antarctic crevices;
Sucking dry Arctic waters,
In return to a unified world,
Eden of the genesis with many colours;
A mirage? But here we are today!

Akinsehinwa Damilola,


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