Hope; is there any?

Events in life are like passing wind; sometimes ill, sometimes leaving a pleasant relief.
Sometimes, you may sit and wonder why some events happened in your life or the indellible marks made by certain people in your life.

You may begin to wonder why your house was buggled or why you have to loose out of a particular business.
To take off your mind from the negative effects of life to you, why not think about where that dull little boy who sat next to you during your exams that year would be by now or where that fat unhealthy woman behind you at the stadium ten years ago would be today.
You may even think how that young man on the sick bed would be feeling today; he may even be dead. Did you say God forbid? Its only a thought in your heart.

What this explains is that in life, we are passer-by, and as we move towards a direction, certain people or events moves or happen in the opposite direction respectively and we may never see them again but we will surely feel the impact when they are around or happening.
So if you are struggling for something today, just see it as ephemeral. Likewise if you are proud in your wealth today, it may turn out to be someone Else's peanuts tomorrow.

 If you are humbled by a situation today, hold on and be of full courage of your unseen tomorrow for hope that is seen is not hope.

Akinsehinwa Damilola


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